cycling + gardening = a smile-inducing combination
For the last few weeks, a group of Golden Rollers from the Conley-Guerrero Senior Center has been teaming up with the Pan AM Recreation Center for Thursday Morning Garden Rides.
We depart from Conley-Guerrero around 8:30 am (before it gets too steamy) and ride a cool 1.3 miles down the Pedernales Cycle Track before arriving at the Senior Garden of Hope for a healthy dose of veggie cultivation.
The Pan AM Rec Center has been encouraging our attendance with assistance from a friendly garden-informed staff member (Hi Mia!) and morning refreshments of coffee and donuts to keep us energized. Don’t worry, we burn off any excess calories on the ride back.
Here are some highlights from the last two rides. Be sure to watch the video at the bottom:

Many of the Rollers were surprised to discover that this senior-designated garden even existed. It is just one of the many different programs and services the Austin Parks and Rec Department offers for senior residents.

And here is a parting shot as we roll back to Conley-Guerrero, with bonus commentary from Pan AM Rec staff.