After receiving a grant from St. David’s Foundation last November, we at Ghisallo Cycling Initiative have been able to expand our Golden Rollers program throughout Austin. We have made cycling accessible at many different Recreation Centers and Senior Centers all over the city, enabling our clients to engage in a low impact form of exercise that allows them to see the world and be seen by others. Because we were able to purchase brand new recumbent tricycles from Easy Street Recumbents for our clients, we had a few upright trikes that needed a new home. Our team in San Antonio had the perfect place in mind to launch the S.A. Golden Rollers Chapter- Lions Field Adult and Senior Center.
Since launching the program in San Antonio last month, Cycling Friday’s have become the most popular day at the Lions Field. The seniors are extremely excited for this new opportunity to engage in low impact exercise. Recently, they visited a Dia De Los Muertos Festival! We are so excited to welcome the San Antonio seniors to the wonders of cycling with the Golden Rollers.